VGSA was established in 1989 by Vittorio Ghidella (engineer, top manager and entrepreneur) as a holding company and family office. Since then systems of portfolio management have been developed using techniques of computerized quantitative analysis and an asset management structure has been created for management of his own capital as well as that of third parties (the Company was denominated VG Asset Management SA). Since 2002, VG AM has been the advisor of VG SICAV, a Luxembourg Investment scheme qualified as UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directives) for markets in the European Union. The Sponsor has been Casa4Funds Luxembourg European Asset Management SA (then became Link Fund Solutions). In 2006 VG AM developed a proprietary asset allocation matrix, an important tool for managing private clients’ liquid investments. Since 2007 VG AM has been active in the wealth management of Separate Managed Accounts on behalf of third parties. From 2008 to 2011 it was advisor to some sub-funds of ATOMO SICAV, a collective investment scheme based in Luxembourg with the sponsorship of Casa4Funds (then became Link Fund Solutions), Luxembourg. From 2008 to July 2024 VG AM was the advisor of VG SICAV, a collective investment scheme based in Luxembourg with the sponsorship of Casa4Funds, Luxembourg. VG AM was a member of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers SAAM until the end of 2022. At the beginning of 2023, VG Asset Management SA has changed denomination in VG Consulting SA, licensed under Reg-Fix and now focused on the private, professional and institutional advisory.
The approach to the advisory, is based on the long-term growth of invested capital combined with accurate risk-management. The techniques used, are of a financial-quantitative type with quantitative econometric models deriving from long experience in high-level management. Along with them, founded on artificial intelligence algorithms which are able to select various market and the best investment opportunities. Thanks to these techniques it is possible to optimize the portfolios according to their destination and investment style. Futhermore, appropriate evaluation and risk monitoring systems are used according to their contexts. As a result, the selected and recommended financial instruments increase the performance and the efficiency (risk adjusted return).
For many years, VG C has managed and now advises large capitals. The expertise on different kind of financial instruments used (mutual funds, derivatives, stocks, bonds, etc.), allows to advise institutionals, professionals, UHNWI and small investors wealth as well. The use of proprietary mathematic models (rather than those acquired on the market), taking advantage of this VG's know-how, guarantees performance, efficiency, control and transparency.
The management team consists of a nucleus of skilled specialists, who are certified and motivate. All procedures have high levels of automation and offer backup systems both for the software and the hardware utilized. VG C has relations with major financial institutions.
No information or opinion expressed in this document or its attachments shall be construed as offer to the public, or request of an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell investment funds and/or financial products or to supply consultancy regarding investments or related services.